VIVOBASE MOBILE becomes VIVOBASE MOVE – even better protection against electrosmog, cell phone radiation, Wi-Fi and 5G on the move. Practical USB-C connection, simplified operation and an even larger effective radius – the new VIVOBASE MOVE now protects you even more effectively against harmful electrosmog.
You take snaps, check Instagram and TikTok for trends. Do you work on your laptop every day and stream your favorite films and series in the evening? Then you’re like many people. A day without a smartphone, laptop or streaming provider is probably unimaginable for you. But when your phone is off, that’s when real life begins. Digital detox works best on vacation.
Anyone who suffers from electrosensitivity and feels the effects of electrosmog on a daily basis is often desperate to find solutions. There are numerous providers of products on the Internet that keep out electrosmog using the Faraday cage principle, for example. But how does the Faraday cage work in relation to cell phone radiation? Can certain measures be taken to keep out electrosmog?
When a woman doesn’t get pregnant, it is often an ordeal for couples. Quite a few spend a lot of money and effort to finally hold the longed-for baby in their hands. Childlessness can often only be resolved with countless tests and expensive treatments. This drives many to the brink of despair. What could an unfulfilled desire to have children have to do with cell phones, laptops and the like?
Whether you’re eating, in bed or driving, you’re never without your cell phone? Do you check messages, WhatsApps and social media almost every minute? Sure, your cell phone is important. But are you already addicted or is your cell phone use in the green zone? Not everyone who uses their cell phone a lot is an addict. But there are some typical signs of a cell phone addiction – here you can find out what they are.

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