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safe & fit,despite

Electrosmog & 5G!

According to VIVOBASE developer Jochen Seipel, he originally studied electrical engineering and turned to the automotive industry.
He worked in a company for eddy current testing equipment, where materials for cars were tested.
It was actually a completely normal life, as many young people lead.

The turning point came with a serious illness that Jochen Seipel was unable to get under control for a long time despite his best efforts.
“Conventional medicine had given up on me,” he says.
It was then that he met Dr. Rilling, who worked with alternative methods and immediately inspired him.
Dr. Rilling helped him to get his health, and therefore his life, back on track.

But Dr. Rilling, as Jochen Seipel explains, had a concern of his own: he was noticing more and more problems in his patients that hadn’t existed in the past.
From increased stress to serious illnesses, some phenomena were occurring more and more frequently.
After many discussions and measurements, the two of them discovered where the cause of these illnesses could lie.
“Radiation and electrosmog have increased massively in recent decades,” says Jochen Seipel.
Measurements of the autonomic nervous system, which Dr. Rilling worked with a lot, confirmed the connection.

At this point, the more intensive collaboration between Jochen Seipel and Dr. Rilling – the technician and the physician – began.
“We sort of melted together,” says Jochen Seipel.
He fondly remembers the intensive and exciting, but also exhausting times.

The aim was to find a way to reduce the harmful effects of radiation while still being able to continue using electrical appliances.
The aim was to create as natural a state as possible in which the human body could recover.
“We tried to recreate life as it used to be in a natural environment,” says Jochen Seipel.
“We did a lot of research and development, looked at natural phenomena and that’s how we went in this direction.”

This ultimately led to the development of the VIVOBASE devices.
These create a natural field that is as similar as possible to the natural environment and can thus protect the body from damage.
However, the difficulties really began with the completion of the devices, as Jochen Seipel says.
“Back then, in 2011 or 2012, the topic of electrosmog was still fairly new,” he says.
“It was very difficult to explain to people that there was radiation that could harm them.”

But despite all the hurdles, VIVOBASE was able to establish itself well on the market.
In this interview, Jochen Seipel explains how this came about and what factors led to many people losing their doubts.
He also talks in detail about the development of the devices and what has driven him over the years.
He explains the antenna effect of the human body and many other exciting details about his work.

Listen to the interview with VIVOBASE founder Jochen Seipel now:


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