Electrosmog and electric cars: risks and measures to avoid them

Electrosmog can be particularly high in cars and electric cars.
If components overlap or overlap with mobile communications, the exposure to radiation can even exceed the limit values.

How can you measure electrosmog in electric cars?

Electrosmog can be measured.
We can find it wherever devices are connected to power sources or radio signals are transmitted from mobile phone masts and television masts.
Low-frequency meters can be used to measure power lines and devices in houses and apartments.
High-frequency devices are used to measure electromagnetic fields from smartphones, laptops, Wi-Fi routers or DECT telephones.
According to the Federal Office for Radiation Protection, there are limits for electrosmog that must not be exceeded, even with electric cars

Where and when is electrosmog highest in an electric car?

Cars and the currently booming electric cars contain a lot of electronics.
It is not the electric motors that are the problem, but the radiation generated by batteries, inverters, sensors and cables.

Because more and more plastic and less and less metal is being used in cars due to cheaper production, the radiation from some parts is barely shielded.
Cars radiate differently depending on how the components are positioned in relation to each other and how they reinforce each other.

Apparently, high levels of radiation can be measured in electric cars, especially when braking and accelerating, but surprisingly relatively low levels are obtained when charging.
This is due to the fact that most currents flow here.

The highest values were found in the back seat area.
Considering that children usually ride in the back seat and can be particularly sensitive to electromagnetic fields or electrosmog, there is an urgent need for action here.

And from the outside?

Electrosmog from outside can also amplify that inside a car.
Walls in tunnels or other cars can reflect the harmful radiation and thus also increase it.
This can even go so far that the overlapping of several cell phones or mobile phone masts can cause interference with the engine.
In general, however, the radiation levels in electric cars and combustion engines should remain well below the limit values.

How can you avoid electrosmog in vehicles?

The health effects of electrosmog in general are still not fully understood.
Some scientists swear that electrosmog does not cause illness, while environmental health experts warn of the potentially problematic effects of increasing electromagnetic fields.
However, even the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies certain electromagnetic fields as “possibly carcinogenic”.

Many sensitive people who spend long periods of time traveling by car for work reasons and who also spend a lot of time on the phone often complain of difficulty concentrating, tiredness, sleep problems and much more.

And how can you effectively protect yourself from electrosmog?

To minimize radiation in the car, you should use your phone as little as possible while driving. VIVOBASE also has a device that can neutralize the electromagnetic fields that surround you in the vehicle.
VIVOBASE MOVE is based on highly complex engineering knowledge.
This has nothing to do with esotericism and everything to do with science, as numerous studies have shown.
VIVOBASE devices help the body to form a kind of protective shield, which can reduce the antenna effect of dangerous radiation.
Even if the exact health effects of electromagnetic fields on the body have not yet been clarified, it is smart to protect yourself.
There is a lack of long-term studies on this topic because this sector has developed so rapidly in recent decades.

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