Possible health effects of electrosmog at a glance
Researchers still disagree about the health effects of electrosmog. Here you can find out at a glance which complaints could possibly be caused by electromagnetic fields . What possible health effects can electrosmog have? According to some researchers, the effect that electromagnetic fields are supposed to have on the body is a warming of the […]
Electrosmog and electric cars: risks and measures to avoid them
Electrosmog can be particularly high in cars and electric cars. If components overlap or overlap with mobile communications, the exposure to radiation can even exceed the limit values. How can you measure electrosmog in electric cars? Electrosmog can be measured. We can find it wherever devices are connected to power sources or radio signals are […]
Electrosmog shielding: Stop the electrosmog!
Electrosmog: an invisible burden in our everyday lives Smog is a term for air pollution. Electrosmog refers to something very similar, namely the “pollution” of our environment with electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic fields are emitted by virtually all technical devices. If you consider how many electrical appliances are in use in our everyday environment, it is […]
Effects of electrosmog on living organisms
Limit values and long-term exposure The effects of electrosmog can pose a risk to health under certain circumstances. This has long been known and has been confirmed in many studies. For this reason, limit values have long been set to protect people from the effects of electrosmog. However, these limits are very high and do […]
What sources of electrosmog are there in the bathroom?
Do you like to warble to your favorite music in the shower, blow-dry your hair, brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush or shave with an electric razor? As you can see, there are plenty of sources of electrosmog in the bathroom that you should protect yourself from. Where can you find electrosmog in the […]
Which musical instruments generate electrosmog?
Musical instruments that are connected to the mains to be played generate electrosmog, like all electrical devices. Practicing with them on a daily basis could also affect your physical and mental health. Which instruments generate electrosmog? Drum machines, keyboards, electric guitars, electric pianos or electronic organs – there are many musical instruments that generate electrosmog. […]