What is 5G radiation?
Shield 5G: Live radiation-free despite 5G! What is 5G radiation? 5G has been on everyone’s lips in recent years. We are talking about a new mobile communications standard that is gradually being rolled out in Germany and its neighboring countries. Many people fear health risks, partly because there are no studies confirming the safety of […]
What is cell phone radiation?
How harmful is cell phone radiation? Well protected from electromagnetic fields! What is cell phone radiation? Cell phones and smartphones have become an integral part of our everyday lives. On the one hand, this is very practical, but on the other, it is not without its dangers. How much radiation does a cell phone actually […]
What is WLAN radiation?
Shield WLAN and live radiation-free! Wi-Fi is extremely practical and is now available almost everywhere. It gives us convenient Internet access at home, at work, on the train, in restaurants and in many other places. But it can also pose a number of risks. Radiation and electrosmog emanate from routers and Wi-Fi hotspots and can […]
What is electrosmog
WHAT EXACTLY IS ELECTROSMOG? Electrosmog – a word that everyone has probably heard. But what exactly is electrosmog and why is this issue becoming increasingly important for all of us? Smog is a made-up word. Made up of the words smoke and fog, it refers to air pollution in urban areas caused by exhaust fumes. […]
FUNCTION OF THE VIVOBASE PRODUCTS Our body consists largely of water and is controlled by bioelectric impulses. Electrosmog can disrupt these natural processes by penetrating the body. Optimal cell supply is prevented. VIVOBASE products offer protection against electrosmog by generating a specific field that mimics a natural field and can therefore be used safely. In […]