Electrosmog – a word that everyone has probably heard.
But what exactly is electrosmog and why is this issue becoming increasingly important for all of us?
Smog is a made-up word.
Made up of the words smoke and fog, it refers to air pollution in urban areas caused by exhaust fumes.
Electrosmog refers to all artificially generated electromagnetic fields in the environment and the resulting permanent exposure of people and their surroundings.
Electrosmog is classified as non-ionizing radiation.
This means that, unlike ionizing radiation such as radioactivity, electromagnetic waves do not have the energy to remove electrons from atoms or molecules.
It is subdivided as follows:
Low-frequency electric and magnetic fields
High-frequency electromagnetic fields
Electric and magnetic fields in the low-frequency range arise when electrical energy is generated, transported or used, for example in AC power lines and electrical appliances.
High-frequency electromagnetic fields arise during wireless transmission via WLAN or baby monitors.
The microwave in the kitchen also uses a high-frequency electromagnetic field to heat food.
Electromagnetic fields can be generated artificially, but also occur naturally in the environment.
In the case of static and low-frequency fields, the electrical and magnetic components are considered separately.
In the case of high-frequency fields, the two components are closely coupled, so that they are referred to as electromagnetic fields.
A good overview of the current state of science on electromagnetic fields, their effects on humans and the recommended protective measures can be found on the website of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection.
Due to the rapid advance of digitalization and the expansion of power grids, exposure to electrosmog is constantly increasing in private households, schools, at work and on the move.
In particular, artificially generated low- and high-frequency fields are increasing due to the development and spread of new technologies.
Cordless DECT phones and cell phones have long been part of everyday life.
Many children and young people use smartphones, tablets and laptops all day long and the latest devices are at the top of their wish list.
More and more mobile phone masts are being erected to ensure seamless coverage.
According to statista.de, there are currently more than 7.3 billion cell phones in use worldwide.
And the trend is rising.
There are also wireless local area networks (WLAN), Bluetooth and ultrawideband (UWB).
These are applications of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation that are used to connect various devices for telecommunications and data processing wirelessly and, in some cases, on the move.
SMART home solutions for private households and businesses are also contributing to an increase in electrosmog.
Networked and remote-controlled devices and installations, including for greater security and efficient energy use, are intended to improve the quality of living.
But this convenience also leads to further exposure to electromagnetic radiation.
Even in cars, exposure to electrosmog is on the rise.
In addition to radiation from Bluetooth, GPS, seat heating and mobile data from smartphones, the future use of electric cars will further increase the exposure of passengers to the electric motor and its battery.
Our body consists largely of water and is controlled by bioelectric impulses.
Electromagnetic radiation can disrupt these natural processes.
These rays penetrate the body and prevent optimal cell supply.
If we are exposed to artificial, unnatural electromagnetic fields (colloquially known as electrosmog), these can have a fundamental impact on biological processes in our body with the following effects:
Poor concentration and sleep problems
Disturbance of the balance of our autonomic nervous system
Weakening of the immune system
Metabolic disorders due to the promotion of hyperacidity and slagging
Mental strain and stress
The 26th Ordinance on the Implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act (26. BImSchV) sets limit values to protect the public from health hazards caused by electric and magnetic fields from low-frequency and direct current installations.
In order to take account of the scientific uncertainties regarding the health effects of these fields, the Federal Ministry for Radiation Protection recommends additional precautionary measures.
The assumption that WLAN radiation, cell phone radiation and radiation from other artificially generated fields is harmless is still widespread, as the “legal limits” are usually adhered to. The so-called SAR value (specific absorption rate) is used as the basis for defining limit values in the mobile phone sector. It is a measure of the absorption of electromagnetic fields in a body or material. The absorption of electromagnetic energy always leads to a warming of a body. The limit values for cell phones are therefore only based on the thermal effect of electromagnetic radiation. Other influences of radiation, such as possible damage to the genetic material of the cell or similar, are not taken into account. Incidentally, other countries have already gone further in this respect: a supreme court in India has banned mobile phone masts on schools and hospitals due to health risks. Israel bans WLAN in kindergartens and preschools and restricts its use in schools. The bottom line is that every citizen is called upon to form their own opinion and ensure the necessary protection in view of the available findings.
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