Even if, according to the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS), “the protection of the population should be guaranteed if the limit values of the Ordinance on the Implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act (Ordinance on Electromagnetic Fields – 26th BImSchV) are complied with”, the BfS nevertheless recommends precautionary measures.
This includes minimizing exposure to electromagnetic radiation through1
– Construction and approval of buildings with sufficient distance to high-voltage lines and other power supply installations
– Optimized cable routing of electrical installations (cables well insulated and flush-mounted)
– suitable labeling of the devices, which enables consumers to pay attention to low field intensities when purchasing a device – maintaining the greatest possible distance from field sources
– reducing the duration of exposure
– switching off electrical appliances completely after use – no “standby” mode (mainly for televisions and stereo systems)
– Sufficient distance from radio alarm clocks, power supply units and especially baby monitors to the body (especially to the sleeping area)
In addition, everyone can protect themselves at home and on the move by taking further measures:
– Avoid pulsed transmitting cordless telephones in accordance with the DECT standard procedure
– Avoid microwave ovens (especially for heating food)
– Use a mains isolator for alternating electrical fields through power cables to electrical devices such as clock radios, heating pads, consumer electronics devices, cordless telephones, etc.
– Keep alternating magnetic fields from transformers such as in clock radios and cordless telephones or in mobile phone chargers away from the sleeping area. Keep alternating magnetic fields from transformers, such as in clock radios and cordless phones or in cell phone chargers, away from the sleeping area
– Avoid Bluetooth connections and WLAN.
Switch off connections at least during sleep phases
The effect of cell phones has been discussed in detail in recent articles.
As far as possible, you should avoid using them and use a landline.
The first mobile phone manufacturers, such as Apple, recommend that their customers use the loudspeaker function when making calls and no longer hold the cell phone directly to their ear.
Vivobase GmbH has developed a device that protects the body and the environment from the influence of electromagnetic radiation – the VIVOBASE.
It uses a low-frequency electrostatic field, which is electrically stronger than natural and technically generated electromagnetic radiation.
This prevents the body’s own water molecules from following high- and low-frequency radiation.
VIVOBASE is absolutely harmless to the body, as it does not generate any current flow in the body and only affects the water molecules in the uppermost layer of the skin.
This leads to reliable protection against the penetration of electromagnetic radiation into our body and an undisturbed, optimal water supply to the body cells.
Due to the dipole character of the water molecule, natural magnetic fields, such as the earth’s magnetic field, can continue to penetrate the body unhindered. VIVOBASE therefore acts directly on humans and their environment (animals and plants) and not on the existing radiation.
1 http://www.bfs.de/DE/themen/emf/nff/schutz/vorsorge/vorsorge.html