In order for you to stream, watch TV or listen to the radio, you need electromagnetic waves that are emitted by a transmitter.
These waves are then converted into images and sound by the end device.
In addition to these electromagnetic waves, which are mainly used for entertainment and communication, there is also other radiation that can penetrate walls.
What kind of radiation is there?
Radiation is generally defined as the propagation of waves and particles in a certain space.
Not all radiation is harmful to humans.
Thermal radiation from the sun, for example, which is in the kilohertz range, is good for us.
The situation is different with short-wave UV light, which can cause sunburn or even skin cancer.
However, this form of radiation cannot penetrate walls.
Depending on the nature of the particles and their energy content, they are referred to as ionizing radiation or non-ionizing radiation.
Ionizing radiation includes radioactivity, cosmic radiation or UV radiation with a wavelength of less than 200 nanometres.
This radiation is capable of knocking electrons out of atomic shells and destroying cells.
Non-ionizing radiation, on the other hand, can cause atoms to vibrate, i.e. heat them up.
Some of these rays can penetrate walls.
What kind of radiation can penetrate walls?
- Radioactive radiation: Although alpha radiation is dangerous, it has a range of just a few centimeters.
It can be shielded by a thin sheet of paper.
An aluminum sheet protects against beta radiation, because the range of this radiation is also very short.
For the extremely dangerous gamma radiation, however, a solid lead wall or a thick concrete wall is needed to keep it out.
They can all damage the genetic material in the cells to such an extent that they can no longer divide properly.
The consequence of this is radiation sickness. - Electromagnetic radiation: The electromagnetic radiation from mobile phone masts must of course penetrate walls so that you can make calls with a smartphone, for example.
Wi-Fi routers amplify this signal inside the house.
Why can electromagnetic waves cause harm?
Electromagnetic waves are increasingly suspected of having health relevance.
This fact is now even worthy of many observations by the WHO.
In the body, cell-to-cell transmission works partly through bioelectric impulses.
If this communication is disrupted by electromagnetic vibrations, for example, this can trigger blockages.
In fact, solid wooden wall elements with larch wood formwork can shield electromagnetic radiation very well.
However, very few apartments and houses are made of this material.
Moreover, this is useless, as electromagnetic radiation is also emitted by computers, WLAN routers, baby monitors and cell phones, and these are usually located inside the house or apartment.
How can I shield myself from electromagnetic radiation?
VIVOBASE provides simple and safe shielding from electromagnetic radiation and electrosmog from our electrical (household) appliances.
VIVOBASE can form a kind of protective shield for human and animal bodies with the help of a sferic field.
Every body consists to a large extent of water.
The VIVOBASE field is designed in such a way that electromagnetic radiation can no longer penetrate our bodies and you are therefore protected.
VIVOBASE is available as VIVOBASE HOME for your home, as VIVOBASE MOBILE for on the go and as VIVOBASE ANIMAL for stables.
Find out more today and go through life with more energy and in a good mood, protected from electrosmog and the like.