Can plants provide protection against electrosmog?

The myth that plants can block electrosmog persists.
Cacti in particular are said to be able to shield or even absorb electromagnetic fields.
But what is really true?

How does electrosmog arise and what effects can it have?

Electrosmog surrounds us always and everywhere.
A distinction is made between low-frequency radiation, which produces both electrical and magnetic radiation.
Within our own four walls, this radiation is emitted by all household appliances such as refrigerators, electric stoves, hobs, etc.
High-frequency electrical radiation, also known as electromagnetic radiation, is generated by smartphones, tablets and WLAN devices as well as cordless DECT telephones, mobile phones and radios

This entirety of electrosmog is said to have a negative effect on the human body and health.
This can sometimes even have physical consequences.
People who are sensitive to electrosmog complain of very diffuse symptoms, which is why the cause of electrosmog often goes unrecognized.
The symptoms include headaches, sleep and concentration disorders, depressive moods or irritability, but also specific physical complaints

Clarifying lilies, ferns and cacti - can plants protect against electrosmog?

The myth that plants, and cacti in particular, can shield against this radiation still persists.
In living spaces, plants are generally a bonus for health.
Green lilies, palms, ferns and the like are said to have an air-purifying effect.
They beautify the environment and at the same time convertCO2 into oxygen.
Oxygen levels and humidity increase in rooms with lots of plants.
Air-purifying plants can therefore help to improve the indoor climate.

But cacti are even said to be able to protect against electrosmog.
Many people believe that placing a cactus next to a computer can shield it from electromagnetic radiation.
A few years ago, Turkish scientists actually investigated this phenomenon.

What effects do plants have on electromagnetic radiation?

The researchers collected cacti of different types and sizes and placed them in front of and behind a wide variety of monitors – from modern liquid crystal screens to old cathode ray tubes.

In doing so, they clearly established that cacti have no influence whatsoever on electromagnetic radiation , regardless of their location.
They came to the clear conclusion that a cactus neither absorbs the radiation nor acts as a shield against it.
Even if many people still believe this, a cactus does not provide any protection against electrical or electromagnetic radiation.

How can you protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation?

Of course, there is nothing wrong with having houseplants in your own four walls.
But if you want to protect yourself safely from electromagnetic radiation, you should resort to scientific methods of shielding. VIVOBASE offers German engineering with decades of medical experience, i.e. not an “esoteric” but a purely “electrotechnical” solution.

The VIVOBASE devices generate an electrostatic field that has a direct effect on the body within range.
The body thus forms a kind of protective shield into which electrical and electromagnetic radiation can no longer penetrate.
This benefit for the body has been investigated in numerous studies and even certified.
With its various devices, VIVOBASE offers protection at home, at work and on the move.
Do you want to be more focused, sleep better and enjoy a better quality of life for you and your family?
Then get VIVOBASE for your home and surf, stream and work without any side effects!

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