Chronic fatigue syndrome is a disease that affects the nervous and immune systems, among other things.
This is also the reason why this disease is characterized by so many different symptoms and complaints.
What is chronic fatigue syndrome?
- Chronic fatigue syndrome is characterized by fatigue that lasts for at least six months.
This does not just occur during the course of the day, but is already present upon waking.
No matter how long the affected person sleeps, the exhaustion and tiredness persists.
It even goes so far that these people are severely restricted in their everyday life and can hardly cope with it.
In addition to the persistent tiredness, symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, muscle pain, sore throat, sleep problems, headaches, joint and muscle pain also occur.
Chronic fatigue syndrome often affects young people – usually between the ages of 20 and 50.
After the pandemic, many people complain of symptoms that may be related to chronic fatigue syndrome.
What are the causes of chronic fatigue syndrome?
The causes of this complex problem are still unclear.
Some experts suspect that a viral infection could be to blame.
The problem usually occurs very suddenly and has often been observed after an infection with Eppstein-Barr viruses, a flu-like infection or Covid disease.
However, chronic fatigue syndrome can also occur after pregnancy or childbirth or after traumatic events such as serious injuries.
Stress, mental strain and physical activity often exacerbate the symptoms.
Can cell phone radiation and electrosmog promote chronic fatigue syndrome?
Whether electrosmog and cell phone radiation are partly to blame for chronic fatigue syndrome can only be assumed at present.
However, since electromagnetic fields and electrosmog from household appliances can have an influence on the human organism, they could possibly trigger complaints and symptoms.
This is because electromagnetic radiation may interfere with bioelectrical communication between cells.
Cells communicate with each other through electrical impulses.
If the transmission from cell to cell is disrupted, blockages can occur.
Metabolic processes within the cell may be reduced.
The cell absorbs fewer nutrients and can no longer break down waste products as well.
Electrosmog and electromagnetic radiation can cause oxidative stress, which in turn accelerates cell ageing.
Free radicals attack the cell and damage it.
Similar mechanisms have also been identified in chronic fatigue syndrome.
Even if electrosmog and electromagnetic radiation are not (yet) considered to be a direct cause of chronic fatigue syndrome, they could possibly promote fatigue syndrome.
How can you protect yourself from electrosmog?
You can easily protect yourself from electrosmog with VIVOBASE.
VIVOBASE devices combine complex engineering knowledge and decades of experience in the development of medical devices.
VIVOBASE is therefore not to be pushed into the esoteric corner, as the effects have been proven in scientific studies.
The devices can simulate a natural radiation environment – as if you were on a mountain or by the sea in good weather.
This can have a positive influence on the natural structure of the body’s water.
In a natural environment, the human organism is said to be less susceptible to electromagnetic radiation and electrosmog.
Energy transmission is disrupted as the body’s reactance increases via the natural structure of the body water.
The skin figuratively covers itself with a protective shield.
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