Annoying tinnitus - get to the bottom of the causes and find a solution

A constant ringing in the ears can be a burden in everyday life for those affected.
But in order to do something about it, you need to know what triggers it.
A bang trauma, high blood pressure, constant stress or electrosmog – tinnitus can have many causes.
The possible solutions are just as varied as the causes

Subjective and objective tinnitus - causes and differences

In the case of tinnitus, sufferers hear a continuous tone in the ear.
This continuous tone can be either objective or subjective

  • Objective tinnitus is when there is actually a sound source that is having an effect.
  • In more than 99 percent of cases, however, no sound source can be identified.
    These cases are referred to as subjective tinnitus.

In the case of purely objective tinnitus, people perceive sounds that emanate from different sound sources.
Ein Arzt kann diese Schallquellen ausmachen.
Trotzdem können bestimmte organische Ursachen vorhanden sein, sodass die Betroffenen die Schallquellen erst wahrnehmen

Causes of subjective tinnitus

In the case of subjective tinnitus, abnormally high activity of the nerve cells in the brain can amplify auditory sensations.
The reasons for this can be extremely varied:

  • For example, middle or inner ear infections can be to blame for the subsequent ringing in the ears.
  • A blocked ear canal, (age-related) hearing loss or sudden hearing loss are also possible causes of tinnitus .
  • Even grinding your teeth or other problems with your teeth can trigger tinnitus.
  • In pregnant women, high blood pressure may be the cause of the annoying whistling, hissing and ringing in the ears.
  • However, malformed blood vessels or blood flow noises caused by narrowed arteries can also contribute to subjective tinnitus.

In all cases of ringing in the ears, a doctor or therapist should be consulted to determine or rule out organic causes.

How can tinnitus be treated?

Depending on the cause, the treatment of tinnitus can be very different.
The simplest way to treat objective tinnitus is to remove the source of the sound.

It is more difficult to treat subjective tinnitus whose causes do not lie in the ear.
Treatment is as varied as the causes of tinnitus.
Ear, nose and throat specialists usually prescribe medication in the form of tablets or infusions for acute tinnitus.
A cortisone preparation is often used here, which can also be administered directly into the ear.
Antibiotics are used for middle ear infections, while hyperbaric oxygen therapy can provide support in the case of acoustic trauma.
There are now also some naturopathic forms of treatment.
Just talk to your doctor or therapist about this.

Can stress be a cause of tinnitus?

Mental strain and stress are suspected of promoting tinnitus. For example, patients affected by ringing in the ears often report a particularly stressful everyday life.
Many also believe that they hear the tinnitus louder under stressful conditions.

Doctors see a connection between anxiety disorders, depression and tinnitus.
In such cases, the psychological causes of the tinnitus should definitely be treated.

In many cases, however, chronic tinnitus is said to be related to electrosmog.
This is because people’s perception varies greatly.
While some people do not hear any stimuli from electromagnetic sources at all, electrosensitive people are exposed to a wide variety of continuous tones from radiation sources.
The sum of the radiation influences can affect the auditory perception center in the brain.
In addition, electrosmog can cause stress in the body, which in turn increases the perception of sound and can therefore promote tinnitus.

If you suffer from chronic tinnitus, it therefore makes particular sense to protect yourself from electrosmog.
With VIVOBASE HOME, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from electrosmog in your own home.
This is because the sophisticated device creates a specific environment that ensures that your body forms a kind of protective shield against electrosmog.
This can help to reduce physical and psychological stress in your environment.
See for yourself, test the VIVOBASE products today and feel the difference.

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