Test subject: male, 73 years old, approx. 16 hours without VIVOBASE use.
Measuring device: HFW59D with contact antenna (short) and recording of the output level with Fluke 289 and the audio output with DR-05
Test procedure: contact the contact antenna three times with thumb and index finger, each time:
Generator signal (400 Hz AM modulation, 3.5 GHz, -25 dBm)
- After 10 min.
Exposure to the generator signal - After a further 10 min.
under the influence of the generator signal but with Vivobase Mobile on the subject’s right thigh
The entire procedure was then repeated after 1 hour.
Figure 2 clearly shows the reduction in the antenna function of the human body.
After using VIVOBASE technology for 10 minutes, you can see a reduction of over 80% of the radiation on the body.
The mode of action of VIVOBASE:
Sferics are vital fields that occur in nature and have a beneficial effect on the body and mind of living beings in certain frequency ranges.
The earth is subject to permanent change and so the earth’s magnetic fields are currently decreasing.
The Schumann frequencies and the spectrum of sferics have also changed, so that artificially generated electromagnetic fields (electrosmog) can now have a greater impact on living beings.
VIVOBASE technology simulates “sferic fields”, which restore the altered spectrum to its original state.
The simulated fields spread particularly effectively in the corresponding effective radius.
In this way, VIVOBASE technology “reduces” the sensitivity of living beings to artificially generated electromagnetic radiation (electrosmog) within its sphere of influence.
VIVOBASE is an aid to feeling better when exposed to electrosmog.
The technology polarizes water molecules in the outermost layer of the skin so that the body absorbs less of the artificially generated electromagnetic fields.