We are convinced that electrosmog is harmful to the human, animal and plant organism.
This is why we have developed our VIVOBASE FAMILY devices.
The state of scientific research on the subject of electrosmog is in a state of flux – as is the scientific evaluation of it.
The Internet information platform EMF-Portal of RWTH Aachen University systematically summarizes scientific research results on the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) and makes them available in English and German.
We recommend that you keep yourself informed about electrosmog and the dangers it causes as well as possible protective measures. Studies that prove the harmfulness of electrosmogStudiesthat cast doubt on the harmfulness of electrosmog


Below you will find scientific evidence from VIVOBASE GmbH in cooperation with the accredited BION Institute, which proves the functionality and effectiveness of the VIVOBASE devices.
The BION Institute is certified as an official research center according to the SICRIS (Slovenian Current Research Information System) with the registration number 53760410000. Study in cooperation with the BION Institute | VIVOBASE HOMEStudyin cooperation with the BION Institute | VIVOBASE MOBILE

Studies that prove the harmfulness of electrosmog

Report of Partial findings from the National Toxicology Program Carcinogenesis Studies of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation in Hsd: Sprague Dawley ® rats Authors: Wyde ME; Cesta MF; Blystone CR; Bucher JR; Elmore SA; Foster PM, Hooth MJ, Kissling GE, Malarkey DE, Sills RC, Stout MD, Walker, NJ, Witt KL, Wolfe MS Performers: National Toxicology Program (NTP) within the US government’s National Institutes of Health (sponsorship $25 million) Source: Date: 06/23/2016 Information: n=1260 animals (rats).
The animals were irradiated with up to 900 megahertz (lower mobile phone standard) for up to 106 weeks.
Results: The result of the study is that mobile phone radiation can lead to tumors.
More specifically, two types of cancer (schwannoma, glioma) and precancerous cell changes (hyperplasia of glial cells) were detected in some rats (46 heart and brain tumors in 540 irradiated male rats; female rats = no tumors).
These results confirm the assessment of the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) that mobile phone radiation is potentially carcinogenic.

Tumor promotion by high-frequency electromagnetic fields in combination with carcinogenic substances

Authors: Klose, M; based on the study by Tillmann and Lerchl et al (2010) Executor: Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) Source: Date: March 2015 Information: This animal study investigated whether radiofrequency electromagnetic fields of the UMTS mobile phone standard (1.97 GHz) can promote the development and growth of tumors without triggering the development of tumors themselves.
A pilot study by Tillmann et al.
(2010) reported tumor-promoting effects of high-frequency electromagnetic fields.
These indications should be investigated.
Results: The results of the pilot study were essentially confirmed and extended.
In both studies, the number of tumors (carcinomas and adenomas) in the liver and lungs increased in the combination groups due to mobile phone radiation.

Studies that cast doubt on the harmfulness of electrosmog

Interphone Study Authors: Dr. Cradis, E; Dr. Schüz, J; Dr. Armstrong, B; Dr. Siemiatycki, J; Dr. Krewski, D; and others Performers: International Agency for Research on Caner (IARC) Source: Date: 2010-2011 Information: n= >5000 subjects; study in a total of 13 countries, financed by public funds and approx. 30 percent by the mobile phone industry; focus of the study was the influence of mobile phone radiation on brain tumors.
Results: No increased risk of brain tumors due to normal cell phone use (cell phones).
Risk was even partially reduced by cell phones!
Unclear results for increased cell phone use: increased number of gliomas (brain tumors) due to increased cell phone use; however, no biological-medical explanation found in the study.
Assessment BfS: Further studies necessary, especially cell phone use in children!

Influence of electromagnetic fields from mobile communications on male fertility

Author: Pophof, B. Carried out by: BfS Source: Date: 19.03.2014 Results: The influence of electromagnetic fields emitted by cell phones on male fertility has been investigated in several national and international studies.
Studies on humans consistently show reduced fertility in people who frequently use a cell phone.
However, this is most likely caused by the lifestyle of this group of people and not by electromagnetic fields.
Laboratory studies primarily show thermal effects above the limit values, which can be explained by the high temperature sensitivity of sperm.
Such high exposures do not occur in the everyday use of cell phones.
Even if a cell phone is transmitting in a trouser pocket, the exposure of the testicles to electromagnetic fields is far below the limit values and a thermal effect can be ruled out.
The results of studies on animals sometimes show contradictory results, depending on the quality of the study.
Studies that meet the qualitative requirements of good scientific practice show no health-relevant influence of electromagnetic fields on fertility.
As many of the observations described have not been conclusively clarified, the WHO recommends further research in this area in its Research Agenda 2010.

Study in collaboration with the BION Institute | VIVOBASE HOME

Studies conducted in collaboration with the BION Institute have shown that the use of VIVOBASE FAMILY devices significantly optimizes the parameters of body temperature, skin resistance, muscle activity and respiratory rate under the influence of electromagnetic radiation.
This has positive effects on metabolism, inner balance and oxygen capacity, for example.
The devices have less significant effects on the body parameters pulse and breathing depth.
The studies are structured as follows in accordance with recognized scientific standards: Predictive experimental design (criteria for determining the mode of action were determined in advance of the study), placebo-free (none of the test subjects knew during the course of the study whether the VIVOBASE devices were switched on or off), double-blinding (neither test subjects nor assistants knew during the course of the study whether the VIVOBASE devices were switched on or off) and the randomization principle (relevant criteria such as age, gender, test time, etc. are approximately equally distributed in both test groups – VIVOBASE devices on or off.


Study: Test report for energy influence on human organism for the product VBH Date: 02.11.2016 to 11.11.2016 Test subjects: aged 25 to 55 years (women and men) Objective: To determine the effect of VIVOBASE HOME on physiological body parameters, e.g. skin resistance, pulse, muscle activity, respiratory rate, body temperature).
Test setup: The test subjects were located in a separate room where the measuring device for determining the physiological parameters and a computer were located.
In order to eliminate external influences, the test subjects were alone in the room during the experiment.
The physiological parameters of the test subjects were measured continuously for approx. 30 minutes.
The VIVOBASE HOME was located in an adjacent room – and was switched on and off by a third person – approx. 5 meters away from the test subjects as the crow flies.
Results: The most significant effects of the VIVOBASE HOME were on skin resistance, respiratory rate and body temperature.
The “perfect” skin resistance was reached more quickly when the VIVOBASE HOME was switched on.
This means that the test subjects were more “relaxed”, i.e. less stressed.
In addition, an improved body temperature was observed when the VIVOBASE HOME was switched on.
In combination with the improved skin resistance, this results in a better metabolism of the test subjects.
Furthermore, an improved breathing rate of the test subjects was demonstrated when the VIVOBASE HOME was switched on.


Study: Test report for protective influence on human organism against Wireless Router Radiation for the product VBH Date: 24.10.2016 to 04.11.2016 Test subjects: aged 25 to 70 years (women and men) Objective: To determine the effect of the VIVOBASE HOME on electromagnetic radiation (WLAN) based on changes in physiological body parameters, e.g. skin resistance, pulse, muscle activity, respiratory rate, body temperature.
Experimental setup: A total of 4 different test combinations were conducted (Wi-Fi on and VBH on; Wi-Fi on and VBH off; Wi-Fi off and VBH on; Wi-Fi off and VBH off).
These four combinations were carried out on four different days.
The test subjects were in a separate room where the measuring device for determining the physiological parameters and a computer were located.
In order to eliminate external influences, the test subjects were alone in the room during the experiment.
The physiological parameters of the test subjects were measured continuously for approx. 30 minutes.
In an adjacent room, the VIVOBASE HOME (switched on or off by a third person) was located approx. 5 meters as the crow flies from the test person.
The WLAN router was placed 1 meter away from the test person (hidden).
Results: The protective effect of the VIVOBASE HOME was most significant in terms of the positive changes in physiological parameters.
In terms of skin resistance, a “calmer physical state” was measured when the VIVOBASE HOME was switched on.
With regard to breathing frequency, “less stress or exertion” was measured when VIVOBASE HOME was switched on.
With regard to the breathing process, it was possible to measure that test subjects breathe with fuller lungs when VIVOBASE HOME is switched on, thereby increasing the oxygen capacity.
In terms of body temperature, switching on VIVOBASE HOME caused a “better metabolism”.
The pulse and breathing depth parameters only changed after a few minutes.


Study: Test report for protective influence on human organism against DECT Radiation for the product VBH Date: 02.11.2016 to 11.11.2016 Test persons: aged 25 to 55 years (women and men) Objective: To determine the influence of VBH on electromagnetic radiation based on changes in physiological body parameters, e.g. skin resistance, pulse, muscle activity, respiratory rate, body temperature.
Experimental setup: A total of two different test combinations were carried out (DECT on and VBH on; DECT on and VBH off).
These two combinations were carried out on two different days.
The test subjects were in a separate room where the measuring device for determining the physiological parameters and a computer were located.
In order to eliminate external influences, the test subjects were alone in the room during the experiment.
The physiological parameters of the test subjects were measured continuously for approx. 30 minutes.
The VIVOBASE HOME was located in an adjacent room – and was switched on and off by a third person – approx. 5 meters as the crow flies from the test person.
The two tests were divided into three sections:
1. preparation: test set-up and measurement of body parameters before the test (2 minutes in total)
2. telephoning: Subjects made phone calls for a total of 5 minutes using a DECT phone placed at the ear.
3. sitting: The DECT phone was placed 5-10 centimeters away from the subject’s head.
The test subjects did not make any phone calls during this time (18 minutes).
The phone was in stand-by mode.
Results: The protective effect of the VIVOBASE HOME was most significant in terms of the positive changes in the physiological parameters of muscle activity.
When the VIVOBASE HOME was switched on, the BION Institute was able to determine that the test subjects had more energy and strength and, with regard to body temperature, that the test subjects had a better metabolism.
The pulse parameter only changed after a few minutes.


Study: Test report of subtle influence on dynamic water structure for the product VBH Objective: To determine the physical-chemical mode of action of VIVOBASE HOME against electromagnetic radiation with the help of the BionEvapo ® study.
BionEvapo® study: A standardized, scientific study to determine changes in the water structure caused by external influences.
Water droplets are exposed to various external influences and observed under a microscope.
After evaporation of the water molecules, the remaining minerals are analyzed.
Experimental setup: The water molecules were examined under the influence of mobile phone radiation (switched on and off) when the VIVOBASE HOME was switched on and when it was switched off.
Two beakers were filled with water.
From each beaker, 14-16 drops of water were placed under a microscope (evapo-test T0).
One beaker was then left in the laboratory and the other beaker was placed in a separate room with the VIVOBASE HOME (switched on) and a cell phone.
During the experiment, the cell phone was switched on and off and connected to a WLAN router.
The water cup was then returned to the laboratory and the water droplets were analyzed again (evapo test T1).
This test was carried out twice on two different days.
Result: Using the BionEvapo® method, it was proven that the VIVOBASE HOME has a clear influence on the water molecules.
The negative influence of the cell phone was almost equalized by the use of the VIVOBASE HOME.

Study in collaboration with the BION Institute | VIVOBASE MOBILE

Studies conducted in collaboration with the BION Institute have shown that the use of VIVOBASE FAMILY devices significantly optimizes the parameters of body temperature, skin resistance, muscle activity and respiratory rate under the influence of electromagnetic radiation.
This has positive effects on metabolism, inner balance and oxygen capacity, for example.
The devices have less significant effects on the body parameters pulse and breathing depth.
The studies are structured as follows in accordance with recognized scientific standards: Predictive experimental design (criteria for determining the mode of action were determined in advance of the study), placebo-free (none of the test subjects knew during the course of the study whether the VIVOBASE devices were switched on or off), double-blinding (neither test subjects nor assistants knew during the course of the study whether the VIVOBASE devices were switched on or off) and the randomization principle (relevant criteria such as age, gender, test time, etc. are approximately equally distributed in both test groups – VIVOBASE devices on or off.


Study: Test Report for protective influence on human organism against cell phone radiation for the product VIVOBASE MOBILE Date: 18.10.2016 to 21.10.2016 Test subjects: aged 25 to 75 (women and men) Objective: To determine the influence of the VIVOBASE MOBILE on electromagnetic radiation (cell phone) based on changes in physiological body parameters, e.g. skin resistance, pulse, muscle activity, respiratory rate, body temperature.
Experimental setup: A total of two test combinations were carried out (cell phone on, VBM on; cell phone on, VBM off).
The two combinations were carried out on two different days.
The test subjects were in a separate room where the measuring device for determining the physiological parameters and a computer were located.
In order to eliminate external influences, the test subjects were alone in the room during the experiment.
The physiological parameters of the test subjects were measured continuously for approx. 30 minutes.
The VIVOBASE MOBILE was kept in the subjects’ trouser pockets.
However, the test subjects did not know at any time whether the VIVOBASE MOBILE was switched on or off.
The two tests were divided into three sections:
1. preparation: test setup and measurement of body parameters before the test (2 minutes in total)
2. telephoning: Subjects made phone calls for a total of 5 minutes with a standard cell phone held to their ear.
3. sitting: The cell phone was placed 5-10 centimeters away from the subject’s head.
The test subjects did not make any phone calls during this time (18 minutes).
The phone was in stand-by mode.
Results: The protective effect of the VIVOBASE MOBILE was most significant in terms of the positive changes in the physiological parameters of muscle activity.
When the VIVOBASE MOBILE was switched on, the BION Institute was able to determine that the test subjects had more energy and strength and, with regard to body temperature, that the test subjects had a better metabolism.
The pulse parameter only changed after a few minutes.

Study in collaboration with the BION Institute | VIVOBASE MOBILE

Studies conducted in collaboration with the BION Institute have shown that the use of VIVOBASE FAMILY devices significantly optimizes the parameters of body temperature, skin resistance, muscle activity and respiratory rate under the influence of electromagnetic radiation.
This has positive effects on metabolism, inner balance and oxygen capacity, for example.
The devices have less significant effects on the body parameters pulse and breathing depth.
The studies are structured as follows in accordance with recognized scientific standards: Predictive experimental design (criteria for determining the mode of action were determined in advance of the study), placebo-free (none of the test subjects knew during the course of the study whether the VIVOBASE devices were switched on or off), double-blinding (neither test subjects nor assistants knew during the course of the study whether the VIVOBASE devices were switched on or off) and the randomization principle (relevant criteria such as age, gender, test time, etc. are approximately equally distributed in both test groups – VIVOBASE devices on or off.

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