Cell phones during pregnancy - a danger for the unborn child?

Large-scale studies already show that radiation from cell phones may have an effect on the unborn child.
ADHD and other behavioral disorders are said to be on the rise as a result.
But you can protect yourself and your baby from dangerous radiation as best you can with VIVOBASE.

Study: Possible long-term damage from cell phones during pregnancy
  • Researchers from the University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA) and the University of Aarhus, Denmark studied more than 13,000 women who gave birth in the late 1990s about their cell phone use during pregnancy and their children up to the age of seven.
    Because the use of cell phones was not so widespread at the time, more than half of the women used them rarely or not at all.

    Pregnant women who used their cell phones two to three times a day, on the other hand, increased the risk of behavioral disorders in their school-age children by more than 50%.
    The more frequently the women used their cell phones, the more severe the effects of the behavioral disorders were.
    As one of the lead researchers was of the opinion that high-frequency electromagnetic fields have no negative effects on health, she was all the more surprised by the results of the study.

    Children who use cell phones regularly from an early age are said to have an 80% higher risk of behavioral disorders.
    In the long term, this can even lead to depression or even degeneration of the nerve structure in the brain.
    Canadian studies on pregnant rats showed that radiation from cell phones caused structural changes in the brains of the fetuses.
    Many scientists are convinced that human fetuses exposed to intense electromagnetic fields can also be affected by such negative effects.

How can cell phone radiation affect people?

Humans consist of more than 60% water, which has a certain structure in its natural state.
This structure can change under psychological or physical stress, such as electromagnetic fields.
Because water acts primarily as a carrier substance both in the cells and in the spaces between cells, it is possible, for example, that nutrients are less able to reach their destination or toxins are less able to be removed.
This results in blockages that can trigger complaints in the event of constant stress and subsequently lead to illnesses.

What can I do about the possible consequences of radiation?

With VIVOBASE you can protect yourself from the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation. VIVOBASE works on the basis of the original water structure of the human body.
It recreates a natural radiation environment, such as that found in good weather conditions by the sea or in the mountains.
This natural radiation effect reduces the antenna effect of the human body on electromagnetic radiation.
This makes it more difficult to transmit energy from outside through electromagnetic fields.
Figuratively speaking, the skin naturally covers itself with the body’s own protective shield.

VIVOBASE has already scientifically tested the positive effects of the devices several times.
In one of these studies, test subjects were exposed to electromagnetic fields from WLAN routers.
At the same time, they were in the vicinity of a VIVOBASE Home device, which was switched on and off during the test.
The test subjects showed significant differences between the protected and unprotected situation.
This leads to the conclusion that VIVOBASE devices have a decisive influence on the human organism and can at least partially compensate for the bioeffects of electromagnetic radiation.

Whether VIVOBASE HOME or VIVOBASE MOBILE – with VIVOBASE you can optimally protect yourself from the effects of electromagnetic fields at home, in the office or on the move.
Order the VIVOBASE device that suits you best now!

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